The Booster Club supports the fundraising efforts of every extra-curricular program at Issaquah High School. The fundraising campaigns below are approved by the Booster Club as dedicated fundraisers for that specific program, during a specified window of time.  

All credit card & transaction fees are the responsibility of the payer or program. Fundraisers run through the Booster club that are run through Cheddar Up add the credit card & transaction fees to the customer's amount unless otherwise noted.


Eagle Eats Fundraisers - Help IHS programs in their fundraising efforts by dining at the Issaquah locations of the partner restaurant on the designated night. A percentage of the proceeds goes to benefit the designated program. Make sure to mention the program you are supporting! Thank you to the restaurants and the community for the support! 
Theater - Pass the Hat, open through March 8, 2025 - Pass the Hat for Theater!

*Please note that the IHS Booster club is 501(C)3. Donations to Pass the Hats and other fundraisers made through the Booster Club that do not include an exchange of goods or services, are tax deductible.